a one-stop solution for focused writers

Making publishing possible for the individual so everyone has the power to spread ideas.



What professionals are

saying about our clients' books:





"The book is exemplary in production quality and cover design. The physical materials, printing, and binding are of professional quality and traditional industry standards. The typesetting and page layout (including illustrations, images, or figures) are easy to follow, thoughtfully designed, and error free. The cover is compellingly related to the content/genre of the book."

— Judge

30th Annual Writer’s Digest Awards



We are partnering with authors desiring to own the process of spreading ideas in a way that benefits them and their followers, and not big publishers.


Own the publishing process and your work too!


Choosing to hybrid publish is to choose to self-publish, but with a team helping you who is for you. 


Working with us is cut and dry. Your manuscript will be published and brought to the retail market for a relatively inexpensive initial FLAT RATE investment.


Editing, graphic artistry, distribution coordination, typeset skills, and marketing are what you will need for a successful book launch, and we are here to help you do that.


What is different about us is how we do all of the hard work while you enjoy having complete control of the publishing process. See, unlike self-publishing, instead of paying several different contractors to produce and publish your book, which can be exhausting and risky, you only have to place your trust in us.


We handle all parts of the complicated publishing process, so you don’t have to.


Our promise: No royalty rates ever. No hidden fees. No mandates to meet. We offer pristine services for your book’s improvement and profitability.


You will always own your work. Flexible payment plans are offered on every plan bundle.


Our wide range of services provides the best solution for everyone to achieve something worth reading.

Plans and Services


Every Bundle plan includes one free ISBN and one free bar code.

Limitations may apply.


Contact us at mail@hybridpublishing.press to choose a service/plan.

Editing Bundle


 Based on 200 pages.

6.00 USD for every additional page.

One developmental edit

One copy edit



Author bio, and cover blurb

Continued consultation after purchase





Covers & Layouts


Based on 200 pages.
0.20 cents for every additional page.

One print-ready paperback or hardback cover

Creation of interior layout in the required format

ebook conversion

3D book mock

Author bio, and cover blurb




Note: Covers are free of copyrighted materials, or, if chosen, we will obtain a license(s) for any copyrighted materials requested, though the customer will pay for a license(s) at additional cost.

Authorship Bundle


Based on 200 pages.
9.05 USD for each additional page.
Payment Plans Available

Developmental and copy edit


Development of title and subtitle

Print-ready cover and manuscript

With flawless layout

Cover blurb and author bio included

ebook conversion

3D book mock

Copyright Registration




The Ultimate

Author Bundle


Based on 200 pages.
9.00 USD for every additional page.
Payment Plans Available

Developmental and copy edits.

Proof reading

Development of title and subtitle.

Print-ready cover and manuscript. With flawless layout.

Author bio and Cover blurb

Copyright Registration

Library of Congress number

Will map out and implement a marketing strategy for the first one month of your book’s release.

Sell on Amazon/Kindle and make your work avliable for worldwide distribution.

60 Author Copies


